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Centre e-news – December

19 December 2013

Christmas 2013

As we enter the festive season, growing numbers of children and families are relying on support from community organisations.It has been heartening to see the strong and collaborative spirit shown by community organisations from across the state, with an overwhelmingly strong turnout at the DHS Sector Reform Forum held last week.With the Royal Commission releasing its fifth issues paper this week, the Prime Minister announcing an review into international adoption processes, and a Senate Inquiry into grandparents with the primary care of their grandchildren commencing, it is clear that we are set for a busy start to 2014.We are all aware of the challenges and opportunities that continue to present for the child and family sector. The Centre will continue to lead collaborative efforts to ensure that we can deliver the best possible services.Thank you for your efforts through 2013 and best wishes for the festive season. Stay safe, and we look forward to working with you in the new year. Merry Christmas!

Deb Tsorbaris


Pathways to CaringDuring

Foster Care Week the Centre launched ‘Pathways to Caring: strategic engagement of potential foster carers’.This report analyses the choices and decision making of people enquiring about becoming foster carers, and makes recommendations to improve the way we manage this process.More information about the report – along with an electronic copy – can be found here, and hard copies are now available for collection from the Centre.

 Leaving Care Forum

In early December the Centre hosted the Leaving Care Forum with Dr Emily Monro from London University’s Thomas Coram Research Institute.Dr Monro provided an interesting international perspective on these issues, describing two UK projects that trialled innovative approaches, which she evaluated. Dr Monro’s presentation is available here.Monash University’s Assoc Prof Philip Mendes provided a useful wrap-up. His notes can be read here.

Learning and Development – 2014

View the range of new & established courses from Dec 24th as the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare launches the 2014 L&D Calendar.

We are committed to offering a diverse scope of learning offerings & will continue to be responsive to the workforce capability challenges that emerge throughout 2014

If you have any enquiries regarding our L&D offerings and services, please contact us by email or call (03) 9614 1577.

Young Care Leavers a Crime Risk

A Victorian study led by Assoc Prof Philip Mendes has demonstrated that young people leaving state care are at greater risk of entering the youth justice system than other young people.Young Care Leavers a Crime Risk

The study found that young people living in residential care were the most vulnerable, with few support networks, difficulties at school, involvement in substance abuse, had other family members in prison and did not have access to formal post-care support. An overview of the findings is available here.

Multicultural Funding Boost – VICSEG

VICSEG have received a funding boost to support new and emerging communities in the Melton and Wyndham growth corridors.

The new funding will help VICSEG implement programs that assist migrant and refugee children, youth and families to integrate in these rapidly developing regional areas.

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship – Nicholas Kotsiras – has released this statement which provides further information.

YACVic – Code of Ethical Practice

YACVic is seeking feedback from people working at all levels of the youth sector on their Code of Ethical Practice.

YACVic is interested in who is currently using The Code and how they are using it, and are requesting youth workers, service managers, and CSO staff complete a short survey.

The survey will close on Friday 24 January 2014.

The Lookout – Family Violence

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victorian and Domestic Violence Victoria have released a new website

The Lookout is a one-stop-shop for professionals responding to family violence in Victoria, providing information on training, events, referral pathways, fact sheets and other resources, links to policy documents and codes of practice for family violence work.

Victorian Interpreting & Translating Service

The Victorian Department of Human Services has consolidated all interpreting and translation services to sit within the Victorian Interpreting & Translating Service (VITS). VITS offer telephone interpreting, on-site interpreting, translations and video replay interpreting. VITS have released a range of new resources, which can be found along with details of their services on the DHS Website.

Queensland – Carmody Inquiry

The Queensland Government is implementing sweeping child protection changes in response to recommendations made by the Carmody Inquiry.

Young people leaving the child protection system will be supported until the age of 21 and given priority access to government health, education, housing and employment services.

The Newman Government will follow the NSW lead and also implement changes so adoption is routinely considered for young people from troubled families.

The Brisbane Times coverage can be read online here.

International Adoption Reforms

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has commissioned a review of overseas adoption processes, which will inform a subsequent reform process.

The current system is extremely complex, which resulted in only 149 children being adoption from other countries by Australian parents in 2011-12.

A committee of senior public servants will report to the Prime Minister in March 2014 on ways to streamline the international adoption system.

Royal Commission – Issues Paper 5

The Royal Commission has released its fifth issues paper, which looks at what institutions and governments should to do address, or alleviate the impact of, past and future institutionalised child sexual abuse.

This will include an evaluation of existing redress schemes, including civil litigation systems.

A copy of Issues Paper 5 is available here. Submissions close on 17 March 2014.

ACWA Conference 2014

The Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies is hosting a conference from 18-20 August 2014.

To register your interest in the conference and receive updates, sign up to the expression of interest mailing list here.

More information is available on the event website or promotional post card.

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