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Family Services Workforce Survey

The Department of Health and Human Services has commissioned the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare to undertake a survey of the Family Services workforce to inform strategic planning and resourcing of the child and family services sector.

The survey will complement a broader workforce census to be conducted in 2017 which is intended to inform the development of a 10 Year Industry Plan for all government and non-government agencies with responsibility for preventing or responding to family violence.

Agency support for this survey is essential if we are to gather meaningful information about the Family Services workforce. Optimum participation is critical to receiving the quantum of data required for reliable analysis. We kindly ask that agencies disseminate the survey to relevant Family Services staff, and encourage their participation in the survey. Your cooperation in encouraging completion and return is greatly appreciated.

A key benefit for agencies participating in the survey is that the Centre will provide de-identified agency-based data to enable comparison with the state-wide data and analysis. The more staff from your agency who participate, the more meaningful the information will be for your own workforce planning and development purposes.

The survey will take around 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

The survey is open until January 20, 2017. Early completion would be greatly appreciated.

For further information please contact Michele Lonsdale at the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare on (03) 9094 3521 or

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