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Member consultation for Change for Children feedback

Change for Children consultation Tasmania

Change for Children, Tasmanian’s 10-year Strategy for upholding the rights of children by preventing, identifying and responding to child sexual abuse and the first two-year action plan, Collaborating for Change, was released in June and is open for community feedback until 30 September.

The Centre is preparing a submission on the action plan and is seeking input, feedback, and consideration from our members. Contact [email protected] to be involved in our member consultation process.

Change for Children and the first two-year Action Plan, Collaborating for Change, aims to transform Government institutions and deliver on the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry. It also aims to be future-focused, with clear accountability and transparency, and recognising that every Tasmanian has a role to play e in keeping children safe.

Change for Children will continue to evolve over time through rolling Action Plans that are informed by evidence and feedback from children and young people, victim-survivors, and the community.

View the consultation documents here.

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