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Newsletter – September 2014

3 September 2014

4th Annual Research & Evidence Symposium

Research in a changing environment: Challenges and possibilities

The Child and Family Services sector is in an environment of change and reform.

This symposium will explore the critical role research will play in evidence informed change processes that promote good outcomes for children, young people and families.

Key Note Presenter: Sally Cowling B.Ec(Hons). M.Comm (Melb Uni)

Date: Friday 31 October 2014, 9:30am-4:00pm

Click here for further details.

Learning & Development

The Centre offers a range of accredited and non-accredited training to members and non-members.

Leading Teams through times of Stress and Crisis (16 September)

This day-long course is designed to equip executives, managers and team leaders in responding effectively in both short term and longer term stressful situations, building their skills and confidence.

For more information on Upcoming Learning & Development Opportunities click here.


Robin Clark Memorial Awards 2014

The annual Robin Clark Memorial Awards 2014 and launch of Child Protection Week are being held at Deakin Edge, Federation Square on Tues 9 Sept 2014, from 4.30pm – 8.30pm including an awards ceremony followed by drinks and canapes.

This is a wonderful opportunity for sector organisations to engage with those working with children, youth and families and celebrate the work they do.

You are welcome to extend this invitation to your colleagues. RSVP to Nicola McCracken, phone 9096 5323 or email guest names to nicola.mccracken@


Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care and Youth Justice – Report Launch

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare and Monash University invite you to the launch of the report on Young People Transitioning from Out of Home Care and Youth Justice by Associate Professors Philip Mendes & Pamela Snow, and Ms Susan Baidawi, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University.

Report to be launched by Bernie Geary, Commissioner for Children and Young People.

Thursday 25th September, 10:00 – 11:00 am at The Centre for Excellence in Child & Family Welfare, Level 5, 50 Market St, Melbourne

Click here for further details and to book


Raymond Lemar Seminar

Anglicare Victoria invites you to a 1 day seminar with Raymond Lemar, an international leader in the out-of-home care sector.

The seminar will cover:

  1. What Will Become of Children of the State.
  2. Resilience, the Developmental Model and Hope.
  3. Good Intentions Are Not Enough.
  4. The Difference You Make.

Click here for further details and to book.

Legislation Update

The Victorian Government has announced legislative amendments as follows:

Children Youth and Families (Permanent Care & Other Matters) Bill 2014 – Click here for the Centre’s Summary

Working with Children Amendment (Ministers of Religion and Other Matters) Bill 2014 – Click here for the Centre’s Summary

Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry – Out of Home Care

On 17 July 2014, the Senate referred an inquiry into out-of-home care to the Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report by the second sitting week in February 2015.

The Committee invites written submissions addressing issues that may be relevant to the inquiry by 31 October 2014.

Click here for the full Terms of Reference and details for lodging Submissions.

If you wish to contribute to the Centre’s submission on this inquiry please contact Marilyn Webster

Robyn di Virgilio – CARA

After 25 years as CEO of CARA, Robyn Di Virgilio retired at the end of August.

Robyn has made an outstanding difference to the lives of countless young women, through her commitment, compassion and tenacity to ensure that the OOHC experiences for traumatized and vulnerable young women closely resembles a well-supported family experience to enable the young women to heal.

Robyn was awarded the Robin Clark Award in 2009 in regognition for her work and contribution to changing the lives of children and young people in OOHC.

VCOSS Community Sector Reform Council Consultations

In September and October, the Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) is hosting a series of consultations with community sector organisations across the state regarding the principles and priorities for the Community Sector Reform Council.

The consultations will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss the objectives of the Reform Council and provide feedback and direction of the work of the Reform Council going forward.

We invite our members, leaders and representatives from community sector organisations to participate and help inform the work of the Community Sector Reform Council.

Further details of all seven consultations can be found here.


Royal Commission – Upcoming Sector Wide Forum

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare is organising another forum on the Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The aim of this forum is to provide an update on the work of Royal Commission, with a focus on improving children’s safety in organisations.

The forum will include an opportunity to consult on the work of the Department of Human Services and the Commissioner of Children and Young People on child safe standards for organisations as recommended by the Betrayal of Trust report.

Further details will be available here shortly.


DHS – Workshop on Leaving Care

DHS are organising a workshop on leaving care as part of the five year out of home care plan. This workshop will consider recent Australian and international research findings and discuss their implications for improving leaving care services in Victoria.

Thurday 11 September, 1:00 – 3:00pm at DHS, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

For further information and registrations please contact Sarah Thomas at DHS

Evaluation in child and family organisations

A research project on the use of evaluation in Australian child and family welfare organisations is seeking the views of both practitioners/team leaders and internal evaluators via a short online survey.

The project is being undertaken by Alicia McCoy, a PhD candidate in the social work department. This research project has been approved by The University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee (ID 1341377).

Click here for more information and to complete the survey.

Children and Families in Focus

The Centre has recently distributed hard copies of the inaugural edition of our magazine “Children and Families in Focus”.

Children and Families in Focus is for practitioners and will be written by practitioners. If you want to be involved in upcoming editions please contact the Centre for Excellence in Child & Family Welfare.

The inaugural edition “Capacity building through partnerships in research” can be accessed by clicking here.


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