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Deb Tsorbaris

CEO, the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

Deb Tsorbaris is CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare. The Centre is the peak body for child and family services across Tasmania and Victoria.

The Centre provides sector training, facilitates and publishes research. We also advocate for better transitions for young people leaving state care, and better supports for struggling families.

Deb is Co-Chair of the Victorian Government’s Roadmap for Reform Implementation Ministerial Advisory Group.

Deb has worked in health and community services for over 30 years.

Prior to joining the Centre, Deb was CEO of the Victorian Council to Homeless Persons. Deb has also held executive positions at Victoria’s Department of Human Services.

She has extensive knowledge of policy and practice. Deb has provided policy advice to government on a range of issues and has worked across disability, drugs and alcohol, youth services and employment programs.

Deb is a keen advocate for improving the lives of children, young people and families in the areas of child safety, education and health.


Picture of Deb Tsorbaris

Deb Tsorbaris

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(03) 9094 3518


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