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Switch to Social Work

Do you want to make a positive difference in the lives of children and families?

Switch to Social Work is a two-year program that combines study, training and paid work, commencing in 2024. It is a new pathway for people who already have a bachelor’s degree but who would like to change careers.

The Switch to Social Work program is an innovative partnership between The Victorian Government, The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, La Trobe University and community services organisations.

Building a contemporary, highly skilled, and diverse workforce

You will graduate job-ready with placement opportunities across metropolitan, regional and rural Victoria. And you will also graduate debt-free as Switch to Social Work provides:

  • full tuition fee scholarship
  • a cost-of-living allowance in the first year
  • industry-standard wage in the second year.
  • The program focuses on child and family services. It provides:
  • workplace training opportunities beyond those offered in similar qualifications
  • skills and experience sought by employers
  • access to professional communities of practice
  • insights from industry leaders
  • tailored training to build your leadership and practice skills.


You are eligible to apply if you:

  • have a bachelor’s degree in a discipline other than social work
  • have completed at least one year, or equivalent, of full-time study in social science and behavioural sciences
  • have the right to live, work and study in Australia

More information at

By becoming a partner you can shape the future of child and family services delivery in Victoria. You will be a crucial part of the educational journey of a new generation of social workers.

Program benefits

Participating organisations will receive:

  • financial supports including a 25% wage subsidy for participating students within your organisation
  • targeted supervisor training reflecting evidence based best practice
  • participation in communities of practice designed to shape contemporary practice
  • access to a cohort of students with diverse skills and experiences, motivated to build their careers in child and family services.


Your organisation is eligible to apply if you:

  • provide child and family services
  • are registered under the Children Youth and Families Act, 2005 and have a service agreement with the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  • have confirmed capacity and commitment for two years.


Organisations need the below requirements to participate:

  • provide a 500-hour placement per year and additional employment hours in year two
  • provide the remaining 75% salary equal to SCHADS 3.2 (or industry equivalent) in year two
  • commit to providing effective supervision and participation in any mandatory supervisory training
  • participate in evaluation activities
  • provide a culturally safe & supportive environment.

Want to be a part of the program? Get more information at

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