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Voice of Parents: A Model for Inclusion

Voice of Parents x The Centre

About the Voice of Parents project

The Voice of Parents project is a two-year project led by the Centre, supported by Gandel Foundation and Equity Trustees – The Arthur Gordon Oldham Charitable Trust.

As an ever-increasing number of parents are engaged with the Child and Family Services System, and the impacts of COVID-19 set to create even more pressure, hearing parents’ voice and embedding a model for parents’ participation is critical to improving outcomes for families and enabling children to thrive.

The Voice of Parents project will develop a framework for parent voices to be heard through a Charter of Parental Participation, an agreed principles that can be applied across organisations and programs in the child and family services sector, and a Parent Participation Model (with a practical tool kit of resources). These resources will be used by government and the child and family services sector across Victoria and Tasmania for the inclusion of parents’ voice in their work. 

Project Publications

The Voice of Parents is committed to ensuring that relevant research on parental participation is available, to address the limitations of existing knowledge on parental participation.

Voice of Parents: A Model for Inclusion

Preliminary Documents 
 Charter of Parent Participation
 Parent Participation Model
 Parent Participation Framework
Toolkit of Resources

For Parents –

For Practitioners –
For Organisations –
For everyone –

Further Resources


If you would like to learn more about the Voice of Parents project or have a query relating to any of the information above, please contact Paulleen Markwort at [email protected]


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