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Learning System Grants

Learning System Grants are available to the child and family services sector to undertake projects that generate and apply evidence, including data, analytics, evaluation and research. The grants will support organisations to contribute to a stronger evidence base across Victoria and Tasmania, and better outcomes for children, young people and their families.


Learning System Grants are administered by the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare and funded through the Department of Health and Human Services. This is the third round of these grants.


The learning system

The Roadmap for Reform is the Victorian Government’s blueprint for transforming the child and family system from a crisis response to early intervention and prevention. A key part of the reform is a learning system that applies evidence about practice and models of care to inform service delivery and improve outcomes for children and families.

Becoming a learning system means the sector – including the Department of Health and Human Services (the Department) – working together to deliver child and family services that are backed by rigorous evidence and are continually re-evaluated, refined and shared to improve the outcomes for children, young people and families. The purpose of the learning system grants is to support organisations to generate and apply evidence, including data, analytics, evaluation and research about these outcomes.


Available funding

The total funding for the 2020 learning system grant round is $300,000. Individual grants are capped at $50,000.


Learning system grants are open to service providers registered as a community service organisation under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, or eligible for registration under the Act. To avoid disappointment, please make sure your organisation is eligible before applying.

Application dates and process

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare will administer the learning system grants. Applications are open from 12 March and will close on 21 May. It is expected that the successful applications will be announced by August 2020.

Grant themes for 2020

The 2020 learning system grants will focus on the ‘pathways approach’ outlined in the Roadmap to Reform:

  1. Early help
  2. Targeted and specialist support
  3. Continuing care

Full details of the pathways, its features and information about the need to align to the Outcomes Journey can be found in the Call for Applications document which you can download below. You will also find the selection criteria and guidelines for developing the application.

How to apply

Visit the Outcomes Practice Evidence Network website for more information and to apply.

More information

For more information about the learning system grants and the application process, please contact either:

Dr Michele Lonsdale
Phone: 03 9094 3521, 0408 083 238

Dr Dakhina Mitra
Phone: 03 9094 3540


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