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2019 OPEN Symposium – Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts!

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare is delighted to invite you to the 2019 OPEN Symposium.

The theme of the 2019 Symposium is The Voices that Matter

As we strive to build the evidence base and strengthen practice across child, youth and family services it is vital that the voices that matter- the voices of children, young people and families – are prioritised. This year we encourage you to explore how you are doing this successfully across partnerships and programs, as well as sharing the challenges you have tackled and the learning you have gained.  Each sub-theme is expected to showcase evidence-informed practice.


We invite you to share your projects and innovations that focus on the following:

Children seen and heard

Abstracts that relate to this theme would focus on:

  • the visibility of children in complex systems
  • client participation, client voice.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Abstracts that relate to this theme would focus on:

  • the visibility of children in integrated services
  • how collaborative practice can keep children connected to family and community.

Growing Children Strong

Abstracts that relate to this theme would focus on:

  • the visibility of children in Aboriginal-led practice
  • building the evidence base for Aboriginal programs and services to improve outcomes for Aboriginal children and families.

Innovation in Allied Sectors

Abstracts that relate to this theme would focus on:

  • the visibility of children in non-traditional services
  • working with non-traditional sectors to keep children at the forefront.

You are warmly invited to submit a proposal and a short bio online here.

We welcome presentation proposals from across the child, youth and family service system and from allied sectors that spark our curiosity and expand our knowledge.

We encourage a range of presentations: short paperspanels or interactive sessions. Presentations will be 30 minutes including time for Q&A. We also invite poster presentations, which give you a chance to present your work visually and generate discussion with your sector colleagues.

How to submit an abstract:

  • Applications must be submitted online here by 5pm Friday 26 July.
  • Abstracts must be no more than 250 words.
  • Speaker biographies no more than 50 words.
  • Applications must address the selection criteria

Download the selection criteria here.

For more information about the Symposium and/or submitting an abstract, visit or get in touch with:

Dr Michele Lonsdale

Deputy CEO, Director Policy, Research and Advocacy

Direct: 03 9094 3521

Mobile: 0408 083 238


Catherine Cooney

Practice lead – Evidence Based Programs Implementation

Direct: 03 90943539

Mobile: 0416 195 561

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