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29/10 Media Update

Last week’s state apology to victims of forced adoptions and announcement of a new Children’s Commission were major stories, delivering significant coverage across print, radio and television news.

The ongoing inquiry into abuse by religious and other organisations has continued to make headlines as information emerges into the scale of the crimes committed, while details of the strain on supports for victims of domestic violence victims has been featured a number of times over recent months.

The ABC’s 7.30 Report has also reported that a 16 year old Aboriginal teen has been held in solitary confinement within a Victorian adult prison, and that once notified, a number of government representatives failed not to act.

A broad range of recent noteworthy articles, video and audio can be found below.


New Children’s Commission

Herald Sun – Bold plan to protect children with new watchdog (22/10/2012)

The Australian – New Vic children’s commission welcomed (22/10/2012)

Nine News – New Vic children’s commission welcomed (22/10/2012)

ABC – Child safety boss gets new investigative powers (22/10/2012)      


Juvenile in adult prison

ABC, 7.30 Report – Aboriginal teen kept in solitary confinement (26/10/2012)

ABC, 7.30 Report – Opposition-calls-for-investigation-into-jailing-of aboriginal teen (26/10/2012)


Apology to victims of forced adoptions

The Australian – Baillieu to apologise for forced adoptions (24/10/2012)

The Age – Tears as state says sorry for thousands of forced adoptions (26/10/2012)

Herald Sun – Heartache from forced adoption that won’t go away (26/10/2012)

ABC – Kim Menta, adopted child looking for parents (25/10/2012)

ABC, 7.30 Report – Were the forced adoptions also illegal? (26/10/2012)


DHS Annual Report

Herald Sun – Failling the Vulnerable (30/10/2012)


Domestic violence resources stretched

ABC, 7.30 Report Vic – More funds needed to tackle domestic violence (12/10/2012)

Herald Sun – Children harmed as abuse, injury cases soar (15/10/2012)

Herald Sun – Children see record amount of domestic violence (29/10/2012)


Church abuse inquiry

The Age – Top cop taken off abuse inquiry (2/10/2012)

Herald Sun – Child abuse inquiry told cover ups hinder justice (10/10/2012)

ABC – Catholic church accused of hindering abuse investigations (11/10/2012)

The Age – Police slam catholic church (11/10/2012)

ABC, 7.30 Report Vic – Inquiry may call paedophiles to give evidence (12/10/2012)

ABC – Police attach church’s handling of abuse complaints (19/10/2012)

Herald Sun – Des Cahill tells state inquiry into child abuse that Catholic Church had created a 'holy and unholy mess' (23/10/2012)

ABC – Child sexual abuse inquiry continues (23/10/2012)

The Age – Church denies Pell present during claim (11/10/2012)

The Age – Punishment penance should come via a royal commission (27/10/2012)


Calls for more foster carers

Brimbank Weekly – You just have to have a lot of love to give (23/10/2012)

Bayside Leader – Critical need for foster carers (22/10/2012)


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