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Advertised call for submissions: Therapeutic Outcomes Focussed Residential Care and Support Services

On 3 November the Department of Human Services released an Advertised Call for Submissions (ACS) for the delivery of Therapeutic Outcomes Focussed Residential Care and Support Services in Victoria.

The Department of Human Services is seeking suitably qualified and experienced service providers to undertake the new approach to service(s) as described within the call for Submissions documentation.

The Centre will keep it's members up to date of any news in relation to this ACS via this page:

Key dates are indicated below:*

Call for submissions advertised 3 November 2014
Information/briefing session for interested service providers Rescheduled to Wednesday December 17, 1:00-3:00pm
50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
*Registration for attendance at information session is required via Tenders VIC website.
Closing date and time for submissions Revised Closing Date 2pm, 23 February 2015
Shortlisting to be completed by 23 February 2015
Interviews to be conducted 2, 3 & 4 March 2015
All service providers to be advised of outcome 7 April 2015
Service commencement by 13 April 2015

*These dates are a guide only to projected timelines.

Scope and pricing
Unlike previous allocations of funding for the provision of therapeutic residential care, which have specified a base unit price per child and then applied a specific therapeutic care loading to purchase a number of defined inputs, through this process we are offering prospective service providers an opportunity to develop a model of therapeutic residential care from the ground up, and detail the price for delivering that service.

Further information is available at the Tenders Vic website, click here to access

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