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Beyond Good Intentions

The purpose of the Beyond Good Intentions statement is to drive collaboration and reform to create a fair, just and restorative child and family welfare service system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

The statement was formally endorsed in October 2015 by the Victorian Aboriginal Children's Forum, including the Victorian Minister for Families for Families and Children. Am implementation working group was established to transform service delivery for Aboriginal children and families to move beyond good intentions to better outcomes. This group includes representatives of government, Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations and mainstream agencies.

The statement was launched on November 27 at our AGM.

Development of the Statement 

In 2013, Berry Street, the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency, MacKillop Family Services and the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare convened a one day public seminar for community service organisations and government entitled, Beyond Good Intentions, to discuss how best to support self-determination for Aboriginal families and communities in Victoria.

The seminar noted that in spite of the goodwill and good intentions of all stakeholders in support of the rights and wellbeing of Aboriginal children and families, over-representation had deepened and resources and support for Aboriginal community controlled service delivery had declined.

The seminar was briefed on the developments in NSW to increase resourcing and support to Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. Motivated by the lack of progress in Victoria and promising developments in NSW, the seminar resolved to pursue a new approach to collaboration and service delivery in Victoria that moved "beyond good intentions."

A working group was established with representatives from the four agencies that convened the seminar to develop a statement of intent. This would establish a framework agreement with principles and commitments outlining how mainstream child and family welfare agencies would support Aboriginal community control over the care and protection of their children.

To download a PDF version of the statement click here


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