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Centre Piece – February

Collaborating through reforms

This month the Centre has been working hard to ensure our members are well-represented through the sector reform project. The details of our upcoming Sector Reform Forum are available below, where we hope to see representatives from all member organisations.

We would also like to recognise the newly formed Victorian Commission for Children and Young People, which replaced the Office of the Child Safety Commissioner on March 1st. We congratulate Mr Bernie Geary on his appointment as the Principal Commissioner, and look forward to working with the the Commission into the future.

Left: Prime Minister Gillard and Megan Mitchell at the announcement of the new National Children’s Commissioner.



Sector Reform Forum

On March 21st the Centre is hosting a forum to discuss the Service Sector Reform Project.

The forum will bring together CEOs and Chairs from member organisations, and provide an opportunity to hear directly from the Sector Advisory Group and Board of the Centre. More →

Business Manager Network Meeting

The first Business Manager Network Meeting for 2013 is taking place this Friday 8th March.

Guest speakers include Grahame Cole, Fiona Waters and Liana Shi, who are hosting a session on the Future of the DHS IT Strategy. More →

National Children’s Commissioner announced

Prime Minister Gillard has announced that the inaugural National Children’s Commission will be Megan Mitchell. More →


NDIS Forum and Issues Paper

In November last year the Centre, National Disability Services and Early Childhood Intervention Australia conducted a forum looking at the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

An issues paper has now been prepared summarising key themes emerging from the forum. More →

Anchor Inc – Foster Care book released

Anchor Inc has this month released a book celebrating some of their fantastic foster mums.

Anchor is a CSO based in Melbourne’s outer east that has served the Cities of Knox, Maroondah, and Yarra Ranges Shire for over 30 years. More →

Common Histories Forum

Together with Berry Street and VACCA, the Centre recently hosted a roundtable discussion looking at lessons that Victoria can learn from Canada’s treatment of its indigenous population.

More →

Glastonbury Advocacy Series – Hear Me

In February Glastonbury hosted the first of their 2013 Advocacy Conversation Series, titled Hear Me.

The workshop looked at strategies to ensure that children are included in decisions made about their care, and ways to ensure their voice is heard. More →

Learning & Development

This month the Centre is offering training in Cyber Safety and Social Networking, which offers insights into helping young people remain safe online.

We have also recently announced that we are offering Applied Suicide Intervention Training.

The Centre’s complete training calendar is available here.

Care With Me Conference

On April 23rd Care With Me is hosting a forum on Engaging Diverse Communities on Child Protection.

Special guests include Professor Dorothy Scott OAM and Robyn Miller. More →


Upcoming Grants

A number of grants that may interest Centre members have recently been announced.

Please see here for details of the available grants.

Please contact the funding bodies directly if you have any questions.

Sector Reform – Community Consultations

Consultation forums for the Service Sector Reform have begun, with VCOSS conducting a number of events across Victoria during February, March and April.

Details of the Community Service Organisation forums can be found here, with a brief background of the reform project available here.

State of Victoria’s Children Report 2011

The State of Victoria’s Children and Young People Report 2011 has been released by the DEECD.

This is the first time that the report has a consolidated focus on rural and regional issues, with comparisons made between young people in these areas and their metropolitan peers.

The report is available here.

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