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Centre Piece – March

March 2013
Sector Reform

On March 21st the Centre convened a forum of member organisations to discuss our response to the Government’s service sector reform project.

The strong turnout included approximately 50 CEOs and Chairs from our member organisations, who provided detailed input to help develop the Centre’s response to the Shergold paper. Professor David Adams gave an overview of sector reform initiatives and Micaela Cronin, Chair of the Sector Reference Group, offered insights into the reform process.

We encourage everybody to read the Shergold paper, attend the remaining consultations and also make their own submissions. The paper and information around the submission process is available here.

We are also pleased to announce that the Centre has won the evaluation consultancy for Loddon Mallee Takes a Stand – a program designed to encourage workplaces to ‘take a stand’ on violence against women.


Royal Commission – first sitting

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will hold its first sitting at 10.00am on Wednesday 3rd April 2013 at the County Court of Victoria. More →


National Apology to Victims of Forced Adoptions

On Thursday March 21st Prime Minister Julia Gillard delivered a formal apology to victims of forced adoption practices that existed in Australia from the 1950s to 1970s. More →


Commission for Children and Young People

On March 27th a group of sector representatives met to celebrate the launch of the Victorian Commission for Children and Young People. More →



Breakfast Forum – Dr James Anglin

The Centre is pleased to announce a breakfast forum on May 17th to discuss New Directions in Policy and Planning for Residential Care. More →

Best Interest Training Series 2013

The Centre is pleased to announce that the Best Interest Training Series 2013 will be looking at “Working with children, adolescents & their families where there are sexualised behaviours”. More →


Len Tierney Lecture – When Ink Kisses Paper

Melbourne University’s Len Tierney Lecture for 2013 will be delivered by Professor Kerry Arabena on Monday 15th April. More →


Understanding Equal Pay – education sessions

The Australian Services Union is providing free education and information sessions to all workers in the SACS sector, with opportunities for additional sessions to be held at individual workplaces. More →


Launch – PartnerSPEAK online support forum

On April 18th PartnerSPEAK is launching an online support forum for partners, spouses and family members affected by the use of child pornography. More →



DEECD Discussion Paper

Last month the Centre responded to a discussion paper released by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development on Reforming Support to Vulnerable Young People.

The Centre’s submission can be found here.

International Social Service Australia

International Social Service (ISS) Australia provides social work and legal services to families, children and single adults across international borders. More →


CREATE Foundation

The CREATE Foundation is Australia’s peak body for children in care.

CREATE work to have the voices of children in care heard, annually releasing a ‘report card’ that details the experiences of children and young people in out-of-home care and engaging with this group in a range of innovative and empowering ways. More →

ACNC Information and Education Sessions

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is holding information and education sessions in Melbourne and Geelong to provide an overview on why the ACNC was set up, how it affects charities, and practical tips, case studies and guidance on what is required to maintain ACNC registration. More →

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