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Corporate Services/CEO Forum – 30 July 2014

On Wednesday 30th July, 50 Corporate Service Managers, IT Managers & CEO’s gathered for a Forum on Services Connect Partnerships, Information System Developments and the Funding & Service Agreement.

The morning started with a presentation and question and answers session with David Clements – Director of Industry Workforce and Transformation, DHS in relation to the Services Connect Partnerships.

Paul Taylor – Architect IMT, DHS then presented on the DHS Single Client View Project.

Pere Ruke, Mackillop Family Services and Jurgan Schaub, Berry Street provided a presentation on the work that has occured at the Sector Information Management Group, including some of their learnings from over the last 2 years.

After morning tea Luke Rumbold – CEO, Upper Murray Family Care presented on the project being undertaken by the Independent Agency Network and the University of Melbourne with funding from The Potter Foundation.

Following this Janelle Crossett – Systems & Risk Manager, QEC presented on the TWEQ application designed and implemented in consultation with Tweddle and HSAGlobal.

The session then moved on to the Funding & Service Agreement, with Genine Wallinga – Director, Procurement & Contract Management, DHS presenting on the DHS workplan around the review of the 2012/15 agreement and negotiations for the 2015/18 agreement.

The Centre then provided attendees with hard copies of the Service Agreement Feedback forms, which will enable the Centre to provide consolidated feedback to DHS as part of the review of the service agreement.  These feedback forms need to be returned to Chris Shelly at the Centre by Wednesday 13th August.

Contact details for the presenters are:

Paul Taylor, DHS –

Pere Ruka, Mackillop Family Services –

Jurgan Schaub, Berry Street –

Luke Rumbold, Upper Murray Family Care –

Janelle Crossett, QEC –

Thank you to Mackillop Family Services for the use of their venue for the forum.


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