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Design + Win – The 2024 ResiROCKS Hoodie Competition

We are proud to announce the launch of the 2024 ResiROCKS Hoodie Competition!

We invite all young people currently living in Residential Care or supported by a Residential Care agency, in Victoria to join us in celebrating the remarkable work of Residential Carers by designing our iconic ResiROCKS hoodie.


The most epic design will win $500 and will be featured on our new 2024 ResiROCKS hoodies, designed exclusively for Residential Carers across Victoria.

But that’s not all – the winner will have the opportunity to collaborate with our experienced designer. Together, you’ll bring your design to life and fine-tune every detail of your design, so it’s perfect before it goes into production.

ResiROCKS Hoodie Design Competition

How to win

We call on young creatives to channel their talents using this year’s theme, Nurturing the Spark for Education, which honours the transformative power of learning.

We believe education ignites a spark in us all, fuelling our journey towards personal and collective growth. It’s more than just acquiring knowledge; it’s about nurturing curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking – essential qualities for navigating our ever-evolving world.

We encourage entrants to capture the spirit of the theme through their design by illustrating the profound impact education has on individuals and communities.

Whether you like traditional sketches or digital wizardry, we welcome all styles and forms of creativity.

Entries will be judged based on creativity, originality, relevance to the theme, and overall impact.

Important dates

Entries close July 1. The winning design will be announced on August 1 and the hoodies with the winning design will be distributed among Residential Carers at the ResiROCKS event on October 10.

Need some help?

Visit our website for a downloadable hoodie design template to help you get started and be sure to print out our competition flyers to spread the word!

For further details, terms and condition or to submit your design, visit our website.

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