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Education Guide for Carers of Children Living in Out-of-Home Care in Victoria

Fostering a love of learning and having high educational expectations and aspirations for all children and young people is vital. Actively supporting their learning, development and education will help to prepare and position them for a fulfilling, rewarding and positive life.

This guide provides carers with information about the supports and services to assist them and the children in their care to be connected and engaged in their education and to know where to go to get the support they need when they need it.

Collectively, we can make sure all children and young people in care are supported to achieve in education from pre-school through to vocational and tertiary education, including university.

The Centre acknowledges the contribution of the Department of Education and Training in developing this guide and input from carer agencies and the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc.

Because education transforms lives.

Click on the below image to open the guide. The guide also contains hyperlinks to relevant websites, just hover your mouse over each link and click.

Want a brief summary of what’s in the guide? Click here.

*Please note, the hyperlinks in this guide are correct at the time of publication. If you find a broken link, search the key
words in your search engine, or via the Department of Education and Training website.

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