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Working with Children and their Families Workshops

Friday April 21, 2023, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Course Overview

Working with Children and their Families is an induction training module delivered by the Centre for Excellence for The Orange Door network.


Practitioners participating in this training will gain:

  • An understanding of the Best Interest Case Practice Model and the underpinning legislation and policies that guide child-centred practice
  • An understanding of working with children, young people, and families as part of an integrated team
  • An understanding how integrated practice can support the safety, well-being and development of children and young people, drawing on the skills and expertise across TOD and building knowledge of appropriate referral pathways
  • Strategies for assessing risk and understanding the impact of attachment on the development and wellbeing of children and young people while working with families
  • Knowledge of the impacts and indicators of trauma and family violence for infants, children, and young people including cumulative harm.
  • Strategies for effectively engaging and talking with children and young people
  • Strategies for working collaboratively with families for the safety and wellbeing of children, including parents affected by family violence, and understanding that children are victim-survivors in their own right
  • Strategies for preparing for and undertaking home visits.  


This full day workshop will be delivered by expert practitioners and trainers, Jo Howard or Evon Fallon.


Evon Fallon

Evon Fallon is a Mental Health Social Worker, with 17 years practice in community, health, Training and Private Practice.Evon has a special interest in Child Focused Practice, Family Violence and Child / Youth Mental Health. She draws upon her direct practice experience as a Specialist Family Violence Children’s Counsellor and Group Facilitator. Evon also worked on some of the Demonstration Projects leading out of the Royal Commission into Family Violence which explored innovative, creative approaches to Therapy in supporting children’s recovery from Family Violence.  

Having delivered MARAM Training since the start of the Reforms, Evon strongly values reflective practice and is committed to supporting development in the Integrated Family Violence Sector.


Jo Howard

Jo Howard is a social worker and family therapist who works as a consultant and trainer in Melbourne, Victoria.  She has worked with family violence and families for over 30 years in service delivery, clinical supervision, training and research and policy. She has presented and published extensively including two books “Mothers and Sons – bringing up boys as a sole parent” and a parenting manual “Bringing Up Boys”.

She first published on the emerging issue of adolescent family violence in 1994. In 2009 she gained a Winston Churchill Fellowship to research best practice responses to adolescent family violence across the United States and Canada.  

Her 25-year contribution to adolescent and adult family violence includes developing and leading research projects, practice and practice development and guidance, contributing to several books and key journals, working to build cross agency partnerships and training practitioners.



Friday April 21, 2023
9:30 am - 4:30 pm

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