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Grant Applications

A number of grants have been announced that workers may wish to assist young clients to apply for.

These include:



Purpose: To help young women further their educational and/or professional development.

Overview: The Foundation will award a minimum of $60,000 worth of grants each year. Successful applicants will receive a financial grant in accordance with the following amounts and conditions:

• $1,500 – "Kickstart" Grant, 12 to 15 years

• $2,000 – "Environmental" Grant, 12 years and above

• $2,000 – "Academic" Grants, 12 years and above

• $3,000 – "Individual" Grant, 16 years and above

• $3,000 – "Business" Grant, 16 years and above

• $1,500 – "Junior Athlete with a Disability" Grant, 12 to 15 years

• $3,000 – "Senior Athlete with a Disability" Grant, 16 years and above

• $6,000 – "Group" Grant, 2 or more people 12 years and above

"Individual", "Business", "Athletes with a Disability" and "Group" Grants will be paid in two instalments. The first instalment will be paid once the successful applicants have been announced. The second instalment will be made upon the Foundation receiving a mid year update of the applicants progress.

Grant recipients may be asked to contribute to the Aim for the Stars website by way of photos, interviews and stories about their quest to reach their goals.

Who can apply: Who is eligible to apply?

• Females, 12 years of age and above; and

• Females who aim to achieve their goals in their field of choice

How to apply: Mail

Further Information


Contact Details:Aim for the Stars Foundation

Email: [email protected]



Category: Community Services & Development

Funding: As a guide, gifts generally range between $10,000 and $100,000. In 2011, the average gift was approximately $60,000. The maximum amount an organisation can request is $200,000.

Closes: 14 December 2012

Opens: 2 October 2012

You must be a charitable organisation with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status to apply for this grant

(See Part 3 for more information)

Purpose: The Foundations managed by Perpetual support a wide range of charitable purposes and projects within the community.

Overview: Thanks to the generosity of our philanthropic clients, Perpetual is able to distribute more than $50 million each year on behalf of the charitable trusts that we manage. Non-profit organisations have the opportunity to apply for grants from those trusts through our annual funding rounds.

Perpetuals trusts and foundations recognise that for organisations to achieve their objectives, funds may need to be directed towards operational costs which are not necessarily project-specific. Please apply for your organisation's greatest strategic need.

We will focus on the following criteria in our assessment of proposals:

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria will be based on the governance of the organisation including the following:

1. Strategy. Evidence of strategic goals and objectives, as well as monitored, evaluated, and outcome-oriented measures. This also encompasses the organisation's mission and the ability of the organisation to fulfil the mission through the activity for which funding is requested.

2. Outcomes. Evidence of realistic, measurable and achievable goals and outcomes, including societal impact.

3. Capability. The organisations demonstrated ability to achieve its objectives, evidence that the organisation is striving towards a sustainable business model, and effective and efficient business practises.

4. Leadership. Demonstration and willingness of the organisation to co-operate with other charitable and noncharitable organisations pursuing similar goals and the ability to leverage opportunities, including sharing learning's. Awareness of the external environment including public policy, government, other organisations working within the sector, and the community.

Who can apply: To be eligible for funding from all trusts and foundations that are managed by Perpetual, your organisation must have at least one of the following:

• Australian Taxation Office Charity Tax Concession (TCC) endorsement

• Australian Taxation Office Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) endorsement.

How to apply: Email

Further Information



Appl. Form:

Contact Details:Perpetual Trustees Grants

Email: [email protected]

Freecall: 1800 501 227


Peter Brock Foundation Grants

Category: Community Services & Development

Funding: Various.

Closes: Ongoing

You must be a charitable organisation with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status to apply for this grant

(See Part 3 for more information)

Purpose: The Peter Brock Foundation has a strong commitment to assisting the community and individuals in times of need.

Overview: The Peter Brock Foundation is a significant contributor to the community providing assistance to various organisations and worthwhile causes. The Foundation also has a strong commitment to assisting the community and individuals in times of need.

These Guidelines are intended to assist applicants wishing to apply to the Peter Brock Foundation for financial assistance. Preference will be given to those organisations and individuals who meet the funding criteria and a genuine need. To be considered, organisation must prove to have sound management and be able to demonstrate excellence in their activities, while individuals are assessed on a case by case basis.

Funding Categories:

• Welfare, e.g. preventative programs that help young disadvantaged people

• Community Programs, e.g. particularly those that emphasise a growing understanding of self-reliance and responsibility

• Social issues, e.g. programs that help people and the community overcome social challenges (e.g. From Harm to Calm)

The categories will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee each year to enable the Peter Brock Foundation to take account of community needs and changes. The Peter Brock Foundation aims to work towards the following goals when allocating funding:

• The relief of hardship and suffering occasioned by natural disasters, disease and epidemic.

• The relief of hardship and suffering occasioned by family breakdowns or disruption of family relationships and support.

• The assistance of hardship and suffering occasioned by illness and incapacity of any kind.

• The promotion of achievements and community participation by persons suffering from any kind of physical or mental handicap.

• The promotion of medical research.

• The promotion of all forms of education including community education.

Limitations: Applications must be submitted in writing.

Organisations which receive a grant from the Peter Brock Foundation must wait a period of 12 months before applying for another grant.

As a general policy the Peter Brock Foundation will not make grants for:

• Religion and politics

• Normal operating costs or core funding

• Programs that duplicate existing Government programs

• Purchasing vehicles.

Who can apply: Organisations must forward the following information to apply for funding:

• A copy of the organisation's incorporation certificate (first time applicants only)

• A certified copy of the organisation's constitution (first time applicants only)

• A copy of letter from the Taxation Department confirming taxation status of the organisation

• A copy of the organisation's most recent annual report, including audited financial statements

• Itemised budget for the project

How to apply: Mail

Further Information


Contact Details:Ms Danees Denman , Grants Administrator Peter Brock Foundation

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: (03) 9718 2469

Fax: (03) 9718 2604


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