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Home away from home


Victoria experiences a shortfall of more than 300 foster carers each year. These carers are sorely needed to help care for children and young people who cannot live with their families.

By making it easier to find out more about becoming a foster carer, we hope to see more people opening their hearts and homes to a child or young person in need of a stable and loving home.

There are different types of foster care from overnight to a month or longer. It all depends on the needs of the child. When you become a foster carer, you are able to specify the length and type of care you proivde.

Anyone over 21 who can offer a child with a safe and caring environment can apply to become a foster carer. You don’t have to be in a relationship or have a big house – we need carers from all walks of life, backgrounds, ages and experiences.

To read the article in the Herald Sun about foster carers and Fostering Connections click here

To find out more about becoming a foster carer visit or call 1800 013 088.


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