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Media Awards Finalists Announced

The Centre is pleased to announce the finalists in our 2021 Media Awards. These awards recognise excellence in reporting and the efforts of journalists who seek to elevate the voices of children, young people and families. 

The four award categories are: 

  • Best story about children 
  • Best story about young people 
  • Best story about families 
  • Best story about children or young people in out-of-home care 

These stories will be considered by a panel consisting of Centre CEO Deb Tsorbaris, Anglicare CEO  Paul McDonald, a representative from the office of Minister for Child Protection and Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers, and a young person with a lived experience of care. 

Winners will be announced by Minister Donnellan on Thursday 25th November at the Centre’s Annual General Meeting. 

Congratulations to all finalists! 

Award: Best story about children 


Award: Best story about young people 


Award: Best story about families 


Award: Best story about children or young people in out-of-home care 


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