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Media Update – May

This month a range of issues impacting children and families have been reported across a range of media.

The Royal Commission continues to dominate coverage, but May's state and federal budgets also drew attention to investment in vulnerable children and families.

Some key pieces published during the past month can be found below:


Child Protection

The Age – Bendigo Child Protection Staff overwhelmed by workload (27/5/2013)



The Age – Extra $91 million in Vic budget for foster care (2/5/2013)

The Age – Welfare earnings change is a bandaid: mum (13/5/2013)


Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People

ABC – Minister Jeanette Powell outlines strategy for Victoria's Aboriginal community at PAEC hearings (23/5/2013)


Child Sexual Abuse

The Australian – Victims prepare to front abuse inquiry (6/5/2013)

The Age – Victims of abuse to testify in private (7/5/2013)

The Conversation – Integrated health and social care could help victims of abuse (16/5/2013)

ABC – Melbourne’s Catholic Archbishop Denis Hart admits child sex abuse cover-up (20/5/2013)

Geelong Advertiser – Church leaders must pay, too (21/5/2013)

ABC – Cardinal George Pell apologises for Catholic Church sex abuse (27/5/2013)

Herald Sun – Sins of the church covered up (27/5/2013)


Cost of Raising Children

The Age – Costs rise on raising children (23/5/2013)



ABC – Victoria denies lawyers for children (21/5/2013)

Hume Weekly – Children’s court ready for bricks, mortar (21/5/2013)


Child Refugees

The Conversation – What if it was our kids? Four Corners and asylum seekers (30/4/2013)

The Age – Refugee children to be held at Darwin detention centre (1/5/2013)


Foster Care

Wyndham Weekly – Fostering was a life-changing decision (7/5/2013)

Wyndham Weekly – Foster carer need growing (7/5/2013)


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