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Milestone 30,000 foster care enquiries since Fostering Connections, Victoria’s state-wide foster care recruitment service, was launched

Fostering Connections, Victoria’s foster carer attraction and recruitment program, has recorded an ‘Australian-first‘ milestone achieving 30,000 foster care enquiries since first launching in 2015.

On an average day, there are up to 1,700 children and young people in foster care in Victoria, where they are temporarily cared for by trained and accredited foster carers. Every day thousands of children and young people from all over Victoria need safe and nurturing homes, and every day foster carers from all walks of life are stepping in to help their community, opening their homes as part of an incredible network of people supporting local children, young people and families.

There is an immediate need for more Victorians to put their hand up to become foster carers. Recognising this, Fostering Connections is launching its new Play a Part campaign that calls on Victorians from all walks of life to play a part in their community by stepping in and supporting a child or young person who cannot live at home.

CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare Deb Tsorbaris said the campaign was needed and welcomed: “Strong communities mean strong families. This campaign shows the important roles foster carers play in strengthening our communities. We all have a role to play and we encourage Victorians to put their hands up and become foster carers.”

The Minister for Child Protection and Family Services, Minister Anthony Carbines said: “Foster care can be a life-changing or life-defining event for so many children and young people.

“The Victorian foster care community does incredible work and plays a crucial role in the lives of thousands of Victoria’s most vulnerable children each year and we are pleased to support their ongoing work.”

Fostering Connections Chair, Sue Sealey said: “The exciting new Play a Part campaign is the culmination of many months of hard work by the Victorian foster care sector. It is a fantastic example of what we can achieve together through collaboration to improve the outcomes of children and young people.

“The Play a Part campaign celebrates the diversity of Victorian foster carers as well as the benefits and challenges of fostering, in a way that is positive, inspiring and realistic.”

Play a Part will be launched at 10am on Monday 30 May 2022.

Prospective foster carers can find out more information about fostering a child and connect with a local foster care agency by visiting or call 1800 013 088.

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