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Real foster carers lead new campaign for Foster Care Week

Stories from real foster carers lead a new campaign by Fostering Connections to encourage Victorians to foster a child.

“These stories are a window into the real role of foster carers,” said Deb Tsorbaris, CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare.

“Foster Care Week is a time to celebrate foster carers who open their heart and home for children and young people.”

“Foster care can vastly improve a child’s future and greatly reduce their chances of homelessness, unemployment, mental and physical health concerns, and involvement with the criminal justice system.”

“This is an important campaign showing how families from all walks of life can foster a child.”

Click the links below to see the campaign stories for the first time.

Jade and Bob’s story

Jade and Bob share why they chose to foster before having their own children, and why it works for them.

Katrina’s story

Katrina tells us all about rural foster care – all the advantages of a rural property for children and young people, sharing your passions with young people in your care, and watching young people grow in confidence.

To find out more about becoming a foster carer visit or call 1800 013 088.

Media Inquiries

Deb Tsorbaris  Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare
0417 599 869

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