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Recognition, funding and legislation to improve outcomes for Aboriginal Children in Care. 

NEWS - Legislation passed to improve outcomes for Aboriginal Children in Care.

The Centre has welcomed legislation passed in Victoria last week aimed at reducing the number of Aboriginal children entering care, which follows the State Budget allocation of $140m for Aboriginal-led children and family services. 

Children and Health Legislation Amendment (Statement of Recognition, Aboriginal Self-determination and Other Matters) Bill 2023 acknowledges that Aboriginal people are best placed to make decisions and deliver services with the best outcomes for Aboriginal children. 

Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations will now be the first to investigate child protection cases and connect families with support before a court order is made. 

The bill includes an important statement of recognition of past wrongs, mistreatment and the damage done when removing Aboriginal children from their families and communities.  

The Centre CEO Deb Tsorbaris says this legislation is a significant step forward in the rights of Aboriginal communities to make decisions about the health, safety and protection of their children, 

“We are excited to continue working with the Government and ACCOs to deliver better outcomes for children in care.” 



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