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Resi Rocks 2013 – review

Deb Tsorbaris, James Anglin, Dave O'Neil and Robyn Miller at Resi ROCKS

This month the Residential Care Learning and Development Strategy hosted Resi ROCKS 2013.

In excess of 350 residential care workers filled the MCG Members Dining Room for workshops facilitated by Professor James Anglin from Victoria University in British Colombia and Robyn Miller from DHS.

Comedian Dave O’Neil provided plenty of laughs as the master of ceremony, while the Centre’s new CEO Deb Tsorbaris handed out the Residential Care Awards.

2013 Residential Care Awards:

  • The 2013 Residential Care Worker Award for achieving significant positive outcomes for a child or young person in residential care went to Louisa Reilly-Grima from Cara.

Other nominees included Marc Brubacher (Berry Street – Northern), Carlos Cerna (MacKillop – Southern), Andrea Jackson (PYFS) and Zenta Schubert (Glastonbury).

  • The 2013 Residential Care Leadership Award for outstanding achievements and innovation in leadership, which has significantly impacted residential care systems and outcomes, went to Glenys Hiemstra from MacKillop Family Services.

Other nominees for this category included Nima Purukamu (Berry Street – South Eastern) and Jackie Davie (Wesley – Southern).

  • The Residential Care Team Award for working collaboratively in order to achieve significant, positive outcomes for a child or young person in residential care went to Kerrison Avenue Residential Unit from Westcare – Kylie Merry, Lisa Melilli, Dylan Muscat, Willie Collins, John McGeary, Arthur Watkin.

A Certificate of Commendation was also awarded to Dennis Street Therapeutic Residential Unit from Salvation Army Eastcare.

Other nominees for this category included:

  • Vista Team, Barwon South-West Region
  • Bristol Road Residential Team, MacKillop Northern Region
  • Scott Street Residential Team, Berry Street South-Eastern Region
  • Jesson Crescent Residential Team, Wesley Mission South-Eastern Region
  • MAC Residential Team, Mildura Aboriginal Corporation
  • Wendouree Residential Team, Berry Street Hume
  • Kiah House Residential Team, MacKillop Family Services Warrnambool
  • Rowson Street Residential Team, Wesley Mission Eastern Region
  • Southern Services Residential Team, MacKillop Family Services Southern Region

Some of Professor Anglin's slides are available below, along with video of the awards ceremony. Other photos (inc high resolution versions of the above) and presentations are available on request – email


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