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Sector Reform Project

Image: Dr Peter Shergold

On December 20th 2012 the Victorian Government announced the whole-of-community sector reform project.

The process will be oversighted by a Cabinet sub-committee chaired by Minister Mary Wooldridge. Dr Peter Shergold – former departmental Head of Prime Minister and Cabinet – has been appointed to lead the project.  A position paper is expected to be prepared by June following consultation with the sector. The Centre will be consulting with members about our response, but all sector workers are encouraged to follow the developments of the sector reform process and respond directly to the consultation.

A sector advisory group of individuals (rather than organisational representatives) has been established, comprising:

Micaela Cronin *(MacKillop Family Services) – Chair, Simon Phemister (DHS) , Lynne Wannan (Office of the Community Sector) ,Penny Wilson (VCOSS) Paul McDonald *(Anglicare),Tony Keenan (Hanover), Sandie De Wolf *(Berry Street) , David Pugh * (St. Luke’s), Sanjib Roy (Yooralla) Warwick Cavanagh * (MOiRA),  Elizabeth Crowther (Mental Illness Fellowship), Gerry Naughtin (Mind Australia), Stefan Gruenert * (Odyssey House), Paul Bird (YSAS).  Muriel Bamblett (VACCA), Jason King * (GEGAC), Kim Sykes * (Bendigo Community Health), Caz Healy (Doutta Galla Community Health), Angela Savage (Association of Neighbourhood Houses), Emma King (Kindergarten Parents Victoria).

* Denotes CEO of CFECFW member organisation

Further information about the Service Sector Reform project is available here.


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