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State budget job cuts, Church abuse, Baillieu’s bad timing and more….

More than two months have passed since Darran’s final media update. As the Centre’s new Media and Communications Coordinator, I will do my best to bring you interesting media updates as often as possible.

During the last two months, the Australian media has published a number of stories that will interest the Centre’s online followers.
Going back to the beginning of May, Minister Wooldridge announced that $336 million would be spent on child protection, and revealed details of the new Children’s Court and Commission for Children and Young People.
The debate over working with children checks has received significant coverage, including this ABC article, which followed radio discussion, suggesting that the current system has “gaping holes”.
The Baillieu government recently announced 500 job cuts within DHS. These cuts are part of a broader cutback of 4200 public service positions, with DHS hardest hit.
The timing of this announcement was of particular interest to media outlets, with many accusing the Baillieu government of sneaking the press release into circulation minutes before 5pm to minimise negative publicity.
Judy Courtin called for greater action from the Victorian government on Church abuse.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child criticised Australia for not going far enough to protect children. Their report cites issues ranging from widespread discrimination against indigenous youth, to inadequate numbers of young mothers breastfeeding and “deeply concerning” treatment of asylum-seeking and refugee children.
Paula Gerber’s overview of the Committee’s findings contains more detail.
The Australian reported on the failure of our legal system to protect aboriginal children, and called for children’s rights to become a Closing the Gap target, and a national deputy commissioner for Aboriginal children be appointed.
David Tenant, CEO of Family Care in Shepparton, participated in a Radio National discussion on income management. Follow this link to listen to the report.
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