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The Connecting Communities Regional Tour is coming to the Mallee

(As published in Mildura Weekly.)

Next Friday, the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare (the Centre) will visit the Mallee on its Connecting Communities Regional Tour.

As the peak body for child and family services in Victoria, it’s important for the Centre to connect with the sector in the regions, to gain a better understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities children, young people, and families are facing in regional communities such as Mildura, Swan Hill and other towns within the Mallee.

Over the winter months, the Centre will be visiting five regions across Victoria to connect and engage with our valued members and sector partners. The tour is an opportunity for the Centre to hear from those with boots on the ground, and to bring our community together to share ideas and stimulate important dialogue about the sector’s evolving needs and how we can meet them.

The event will consist of a panel discussion between local sector leaders, before opening up the floor for discussion about the key challenges and opportunities for children and their families in each community.

Panellists include: Teresa Jayet, CEO at Mallee Family Care, Vincent Wilson, CEO at Mallee Accommodation and Support Program, and Argiri Alisandratos, Deputy Secretary for the Department for Families, Fairness and Housing, and Belinda Hudak, Principal, Mildura Senior College (Youth Perspective).

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