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Community Sector Workforce Knowledgebase Project

Lucy Benbow (DHS) and Lauren Matthews (VCOSS) presented on the Community Sector workforce Knowledgebase Project to the Corporate Services network on 20/4/2012.

The project is the first genuine attempt to collect workforce data across all services provided by CSO’s with DHS funding. 
Data will be submitted to DHS through a secure Web-based portal within the DHS’ Funded Agency Channel (FAC). FAC provides a secure area which is only accessible to registered users within funded organisations.
By August 2012, member organisations which participate in this voluntary survey will have access to
·         Comparative workforce profiles
·         Benchmarking reports for similar services
·         Sector-level reports for strategic workforce development
·         Cumulative data over time for trend analysis and forecasting
This project is being supported by the Human Services Partnership Implementation Committee, the Centre and other peaks because of the workforce information it will collect to benefit individual CSO’s, sectors and the broader community sector.   
CEO’s will shortly receive a letter from Gill Callister (Secretary DHS) and Cath Smith (CEO, VCOSS) outlining the project and seeking their support in the completion of the survey.
The Centre also wishes to thank those members who have contributed to the development of this project.    
More information can be sought through
Lucy Benbow, Senior Advisor, Industry Strategy, DHS, on 9096 8420
Ann Fuller-Jackson, Senior Advisor, Industry and Workforce Projects, 9096 7082
Lauren Matthews, Policy Analyst, VCOSS 9654 5050.


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