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Cyber-safety & social networking

This month the Centre is offering a half-day workshop to deliver vital knowledge and skills to respond to cyber and social networking safety issues.

This training will equip attendees with the skills to:

  • Understand young people’s internet and mobile phone use
  • Demonstrate practical skills in how to assist young people to keep safe online
  • Put effective risk management strategies in to place
  • Understand instant messaging, social networking and the growing issue of sexting
  • Identify risks and concerns relative to online grooming
  • Utilise tools to engage children and young people on cyber safety issues
  • Assist staff, organisations, young people and families to be aware of the capabilities required to develop good digital citizens
  • Identify, respond and prevent cyber bullying

This training is appropriate for anybody that works with children, including residential and home-based care staff, youth services, family support staff, disability services, early parenting and child care workers, aboriginal community groups, carers, parents and more.

The workshop is being facilitated by Debbie Boyce, who is a counsellor and trainer with Child Wise.

Topics covered include:

  • The purpose of a cyber-safety program
  • Social networking
  • Cyber bullying
  • Online child sexual exploitation
  • Grooming and targeting
  • Sexting
  • Safety strategies
  • Tips for carers
  • Tips for young people
  • Responding to disclosures & reporting concerns

Details and a registration form are available here.


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