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DSS Announce Bridging Funding

The Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Scott Morrison has announced the Government will provide new bridging funding to ensure continuity of front line community services following the completion of the comprehensive tendering process conducted last year as part of the Department of Social Services, New Way of Working for Grants.

“Providers of ongoing frontline services under the grants programme will have their funding extended to 30 June 2015 while new services are properly established and clients are appropriately referred.  For emergency relief service providers we expect a more rapid transition process and will extend current funding arrangements for these services to 31 March 2015.” Minister Morrison said.

“The extensions do not relate to one-off projects that may have been funded to provide ad-hoc, trial or short term services. This is about ensuring the continuity of ongoing service in critical front line areas.

The Minister's press release is available by clicking here.

Further information is available on the DSS Frequently Asked Questions page


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