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Youth Diversion Pilot Program – Request for Tender Announced

The Children's Court of Victoria announced on 21 January 2015 a Request for Tender for the provision of a Youth Diversion Pilot Program.

The Court is seeking suitably qualified and experienced organisations to collaborate with the Court to develop and deliver a court-referred, community-based diversion program for young offenders, to:

(a) offer diversion options when young people appear in the Criminal Division of the Children‟s Court for the first time
(b) provide an opportunity for early intervention and support
(c) prevent young people having unnecessary further contact with the criminal justice system
(d) provide a coordinated and comprehensive approach to diverting young people from the mainstream criminal justice system.

The Youth Diversion Pilot Program will be delivered by a community-based organisation at selected metropolitan and regional sites, engaged by CSV.

The pilot program will be evaluated, to provide evidence to inform any future program design and implementation, and as the basis for investment bids.

Further information as available at Tenders Vic.

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