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Good Practice: a statewide snapshot

Do you have a good practice story you would like to share?

Good Practice: a statewide snapshot is an annual publication of the Department of Health & Human Services and produced by the Office of Professional Practice. The publication is designed to showcase achievements of frontline practitioners in their day-to-day practice with vulnerable children, young people and families.

We are now looking for stories to include in the 2015 edition of Good Practice: a statewide snapshot.  This year is the 10th anniversary of the publication and the theme for 2015 is 'review and reflect'. Please focus on the ‘reviewing outcomes’ stage of practice within the Best interests case practice model when writing your story.

Please see attached below a story submission pack which includes:
1.  a template to guide story preparation
2.  a page of reflective questions you are encouraged to answer and return even if you are not submitting a story

The final date for submissions is 12th June 2015, however early submissions are encouraged.

The publication will be launched in September during Child Protection Week – a week of celebrating the achievements of professionals, children, young people and carers. Previous editions can be accessed here.

Submissions of stories or responses to reflective questions should be sent to [email protected].

In addition, a link is included here to a short questionnaire to gather your feedback about how good practice is recognised and celebrated and the process of story submission. The survey is relevant whether or not you ultimately submit a story for consideration. These responses will inform future planning and are not intended for publication.

Finally, if your organisation is in a position to consider submitting artwork created by children and young people, we would be very interested in featuring a selection of pieces in the final publication. Please contact the Office of Professional Practice on (03) 9096 8427 or [email protected] to discuss potential artwork contributions or to clarify any of the above information.


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