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National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children

Planning is well underway to develop the Third Action Plan (2015-18) under the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-20. The nationwide roundtables will commence next week with combined meetings for NGO, research and government representatives in Darwin, Alice Springs and Adelaide. Over the following few weeks, consultations will take place in every other State or Territory.

Planning is well underway to develop the Third Action Plan (2015-18) under the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-20. The nationwide roundtables will commence next week with combined meetings for NGO, research and government representatives in Darwin, Alice Springs and Adelaide. Over the following few weeks, consultations will take place in every other State or Territory.

The Department of Social Services is emailing invitations to attend the roundtables in a phased process. So far, invitations have been sent for the Darwin, Alice Springs and Adelaide meetings next week.

The schedule of roundtables is as follows:

23 March: Darwin
24 March: Alice Springs
26 and 27 March: Adelaide
31 March: Perth
8 April: Brisbane
9 April: Townsville
13 April: Lismore
14 April: Sydney
15 April: Hobart
16 April: Melbourne
20 April: Canberra

If, by a week or so before the consultation scheduled for your location, you have not received your invitation to attend—and would like to attend—please let Families Australia know directly (contact

Click here for the National Framework Third Action Plan discussion paper which will form the basis for the consultations.

You may also note that written submissions about the Third Action Plan are invited by 24 April 2015. As noted in the discussion paper, these should be sent to the Department of Social Services at

The paper prepared by SNAICC entitled ‘Pathways to safety and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’ may also be able to assist with consultations and submissions. This paper describes priority pathways and actions to support improved safety and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, based on the knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and sector leaders and the evidence from practice and research. It presents ways forward for implementation action under the National Framework.

Click here for a brief paper containing suggestions you may wish to use, either in your written submissions or at the roundtables. These suggestions have been prepared by Families Australia and the NGO Coalition Steering Group. They are not meant to be prescriptive or comprehensive, but to assist in the development of thinking about the Third Action Plan.

WE are also pleased to share two new resources developed by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS).

  1. Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
  2. Child Abuse and Neglect

Both resource sheets contain links to reports, event resources, CFCA resources and bibliographies, which may be of assistance to your deliberations and submissions on the roundtable topic Driving change: engaging the community.

Finally, we would like to encourage all Coalition members to make a submission about the Third Action Plan and/or, where possible participate, in one of the consultations.

Should you have any questions, please email Stella Conroy (

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