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Latest Ombudsman report on Government ICT leads update

This week’s Ombudsman’s report on Government ICT projects including CRIS, the system used in child protection, leads today’s update. The removal of  out-of-home care services from Warrnambool agency Community Connections, and child protection issues in the ACT and Tasmania also feature.

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Ombudsman’s report on Government ICT projects

The Victorian Ombudsman this week issued a highly critical report on a range of Government ICT projects, including CRIS, the system earlier criticised in the Ombudsman’s 2009 report on child protection. The report was undertaken in consultation with the Victorian Auditor-General.

The report found that, in addition to significant cost over-runs ($48m) funded from programs including child protection, serious issues remain with the CRIS system, and that the recommendations of a fit-for-purpose review ordered in the Ombudsman’s 2009 report (completed 30 May 2010) had not been adequately addressed by DHS (see p.89 ff.).

Warrnambool agency loses out-of-home care services

Child protection issues, ACT and Tasmania

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