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Membership Renewal

The Centre continues to work with and for its members and in conjunction we have achieved many milestones across a range of programs that support families and keep children visible and safe.  We want to thank you for your continued support. It has been and continues to be an incredible honour to work alongside all of you in our sector.


Primary Contact (Membership Administration)
Finance Contact
Authorised Officer (holding vote at AGM)
The fees are set at 0.14% of your organisations total audited revenue on child, youth and family services in Victoria for the previous financial year. Organisations with declared revenue of less than $225,000 will be billed at the minimum rate.

FAQ: Membership Renewal

What is this form?

This form is used to calculate your organisation’s membership fees, specifically your child and family services revenue from the previous financial year and collect current contact details of the following people at your organisation: CEO/Director, Primary Contact (Membership Administration), Finance Contact, and Authorised Officer (Holding Vote at AGM)

How is my membership fee calculated?

The fees are set at 0.14% of your organisations total audited revenue on child, youth and family services in Victoria or Tasmania for the previous financial year. Organisations with declared revenue of less than $225,000 will be billed at the minimum rate of $346.50 Minimum Annual Fee

How long does it take to complete?

This renewal form will take around 5 minutes to complete. Once submitted you should receive a confirmation email confirming that we have recieved your membership renewal

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