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Royal Commission Forum – 13 October 2014

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare together with the Commission of Children and Young People and the Department of Human Services are pleased to invite you to our third forum in a series focusing on the progress of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the Government response to Betrayal of Trust, with a particular focus on child safe organisations.
The agenda will include the following topics of interest:  
  • Royal Commission interim report presented by Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald
  • Analysis of Royal Commission case study 1 and 2 findings presented by Christine Melis Barrister
  • Betrayal of Trust recommendations and implications for CSOs presented by Scott Widmer, DHS
  • Consultation on proposed child safe standards co-presented by Commissioner for Children and Young People and DHS
  • Shutting the door on potential perpetrators: clinical understandings which inform child safe organisations, Robyn Miller, DHS
  • The Sanctuary model by Nick Halfpenny, Mackillop Family Services
  • Child Safe Models:
    • Australian Childhood Foundation
    • Child Wise
  • YMCA learnings presented by Jacki Whitwell, YMCA Australia
The forum will be of interest to CEO’s, Board members, senior management and staff to develop and strengthen child safe policies in their organisation.
For more information contact Sue Maddison on (03) 9614 1577 or
Monday 13 October 2014
Victoria University Convention Centre, Level 12, 300 Flinders Street, Melbourne
9:30 am – 4:30 pm (Registrations from 9:00am)
RSVP before 8 October –
$No Cost 

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