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Who Am I – Training Materials launch

Last week, the Centre hosted the launch the Who Am I Project’s e-training materials, which have been designed to guide record-keeping practices that support the identity of children in out-of-home care.

The project, coordinated by a team of academics from Melbourne University’s Department of Social Work, has been underway since 2009.

Emeritis Professor Dorothy Scott launched the new materials, recounting her experiences working with records and care-leavers throughout her four-decade career, and describing the crucial role they play in the lives of children from out-of-home care.

Over the last three years, the project team have consulted closely with practitioners, managers and policy leaders from Victorian community service organisations, the Department of Human Services and advocacy groups. This research has explored the best ways to manage records and archiving practices to ensure information remains accessible, and investigated the best approaches to writing effective and meaningful records.

These resources will give carers an insight into the lifelong value of the records they compile, while providing practical strategies on how to write these documents and what information to include.

The Who Am I e-training resources can be found here.


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