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Australian Charities and NFP’s Commission presents at the Centre

Australian Charities and NFP’s Commission (ACNC)

Jennifer Dobell and Sue Woodward of the ACNC attended the Corporate Services network to provide an update on the work of the new national regulator.
Important considerations for our members include
·         Charities currently endorsed by the ATO will be automatically registered with ACNC
·         Ongoing eligibility will be reviewed following passage of the new charities legislation in 2013
·         Annual reporting to ACNC will be required of all registered charities from 1 July 2013 which will be provided to other federal government agencies to reduce regulatory burden and
·         Agreements with state and local governments are being sought for the ACNC reporting to be shared at their levels too.
The Centre will be keeping in touch with the ACNC at its new home in Collins St Melbourne and will invite Jennifer and Sue to our next Corporate Services Meeting to report on further progress and how that will impact our members.
The presentation made by Jennifer and a further one made earlier in the year during public consultations are attached.



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