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Inquiry forum set for 20 March

RSVPs are now invited for a Melbourne forum on 20 March that will offer a vital opportunity for open community sector discussion of key issues flowing from the Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children (Cummins) Inquiry. The final report of the Inquiry was released last Tuesday by Premier Baillieu at Parliament Victoria.

The PVVC Inquiry Forum will feature six prominent panel members including Inquiry panellist, Mr Bill Scales AO, Chris Asquini, Executive Director of Children, Youth & Families with DHS, and the Centre’s Board President, Angela Forbes.

A question-and-answer session with the panel will be followed by a tea break before a further presentation by Professor Marie Connolly from the University of Melbourne on the opportunities and challenges presented by the Inquiry. Time for questions will also be provided at the conclusion of Professor Connolly’s presentation.

Places are limited and RSVPs are essential by Thursday 15 March to or 03 9094 3518.

The forum will be held from 1.30–4.15pm on Tuesday 20 March at the Spring Street Conference Centre, Level 2, 1 Spring Street Melbourne.

Please note: This event is not open to the media.


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